Author Archives: Sam Formosa

About Sam Formosa

Conceptual artist, painter, sculpture in ceramics, paper, metal, wood and who make use of his created alphabetical, numerical, and musical notation systems as core foundation of his art work.


Crispy is this golden crust.


In G major (soprano).


Crispy is this golden crust.

A flavour you are born to have trust.

Enjoy fresh while still young.

With olives, tomatoes accompanying this breadly dance.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


The great gift of making.


In B major (soprano).


The great gift of making.

The bowl and the soup.

With hands, we are born with.

Bringing out the fruit.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


You know when you know.


In A major (soprano).


You know when you know.

The dawn of day.

The siesta in mid-day.

The winter stars shine brighter.

The water is clean to enjoy.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


Emotions run wild.


In G5 major (soprano).


Emotions run wild.

When the bottle runs dry.

Denying the end.

Waiting, will not bring you back.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


Time and time again.


In F5 major (soprano).


Time and time again.

The cycle never ends.

Till the lights are still on.

Is it still rapping when alone again?



Reflections from the Mediterranean.


A low battlecruiser cloud cruised by.


In E5 major (soprano).


A low battlecruiser cloud cruised by.

Menacing as it went around.

Till it let loose with a ton.

Leaving debris all around.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


Does a stone have its place?


In D5 major (soprano).


Does a stone have its place?

In this vast universe.

Will it be like a bee?

Or deep down under the sea?



Reflections from the Mediterranean.


The ocean eagerly meets the shore.


In C5 major (Soprano). At the top right-hand corner is her crest.


The ocean eagerly meets the shore.

Their embrace turned into white foam.

Wave after wave they come and go.

Till petered out to a sleeping drone.



Reflections from the Mediterranean.


A sparkle of stardust.


In G major (soprano).


A sparkle of stardust.

To sparkle your day.

It might give you sunshine.

Or anything you believe it plays.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


The mirror glows.


A new musical composition 66 long.

In B major (soprano).


The mirror glows.

Of the personality, it shows.

Does not remember? No.

But the eyes do so.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.