To find or to create.
#Hablart; #Geormeo; #Eleshite; #Fonaux; #InfusberryPaper, #CaptainElogartSeries
Light Red Oxide: – symbolises the letter “U” in the Samsam alphabet system, which is D-sharp on the music scale. Captain Elogart Series, Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.
Reflections from the Mediterranean.
Colour is read on several different levels.
The Arts and Ideas, take it one step at a time.
Raintrain – The old trains had a kind of a rhythm to them while moving forward at variable speeds. Raintrain is a similar, certain type of long period of rain it just keeps coming, and has kind of rhythms to it.
Hablar; To find or create; The Dreamers; Infusberry Paper; Adventure; Commuter; Captain; Captain Elogart Series; Character; Ideas; Mystery; Personality; Samsam alphabet system; Sam’s Script; Story; Total Work of Art; Travel-trotter;