# Personable. From the Playtext Series, Acrylic on Acrylic Paper 240 x 333mm.
Charming eh!!
Affable; Amiable; Captivating; Charming eh!! Friendly; Likeable; Magic; Personality; Pleasant; Polite;
Note: Playtex as in play and play music.
When viewing my artworks, colour represents music tonality, therefore the colour fields become Music Tonality Sonicfields in this instance painting.
It is a bit of mouth full so for short just call them sonicfields paintings.
What makes the artworks more interesting is, that they are also multilingual. There viewing the artworks, one is viewing on a different dimension. As an example to say one foot in the traditional view, and the other foot in a metaversal view of artworks. So two parallel concepts in different dimensions.
Which foot is which, well think about it, then put your foot forward.