Category Archives: Sam’s script.


The Opera Singer








The Opera Singer.

How many of us sung in the showers, or maybe in our intimate space? The audience are all around us, and we are glad to share. Words come to us, as heaven puff out a mouthful of  our air. Listen to the audience and feel their breath. Yet, no one dare to leave, and all delayed.




Porcelain, 7 x 10 cm.

This is the verso, of a porcelain tablet with its front face inscription in Sam’s script that reads ‘8/11/16’.

It is part of ongoing project called 365 + 1, and by the end of the project it should cover every day of the year including a leap year. The size of the tables varies but always in porcelain.

The front is always the date in Sam’s numerical representation. The verso represents a visual interpretation of that day. Each tablet is viewed as distinct identity from the rest of the series.



Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti.

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do.












Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti.



Viewing music in colour, a musical colour scheme

The colour music tone progression up and down the scale, and associate it with the sound. The colour is assigned the notes of the scale—C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C—a syllable: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do.

The sounds came from “Ut Queant Laxis,” a hymn of the Middle Ages that was chanted for vespers. Each succeeding line of the song started one note higher than the previous one, so the first letters of each word of each line: UT queant laxis, REsonare fibrisMIre gestorum , FAmuli tuorumSOLve, etc. “Ut” was eventually deemed too difficult pronounce and was changed to “Do.”



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