The above image is the reverso ( the back side.) of Ceramic tablet #137.
Every ceramic tablet that I made for The Navigator was meant to be as individual piece, a standalone art work, solo individual peace that can coexist as part of a group. Another way of see it is thinking about it as a solo vocalist, that can accompaniment, or be part a choir. Preserving the individual of every piece is of utmost critical importance. A practice that I still carry to this day.
Some of these ceramic tablets as each carries it own massage, have a image on the reverso side ( the back side), while others don’t. Being all these years out in the natural elements took their toll. Some are in a very poor state.
Where possible and if there is no image, a number and other notation related to the number are added in acrylic paint. The advantage of this is that, that becomes its cataloging number. If it breaks when too wet, it gives you more visual clue of how to put them back together.
Then the tables are steam clean, and sealed with binder.