Tag Archives: Romjlia


Passion for the violin


In F major.

Luigi Tarisio (1790- 1845) was born with a passion for violin making and its artistic value. With an uncanny eye for high quality, he became a trader and a collector of violins.

Tarisio Fine Instruments and Bows


Portal musicpainting compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.


The sounds of the cicada

on a lazy hot summer’s day

drunk on their instincts

searching for their mate.


Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

Refection from the Mediterranean.


Call my name …


In A major.


call my name

for I am name

high or low, fast or slow

I, name, on your lips, say my name.


Johann Paul Schorn(1682-1758) from Austria, was a violinist, composer, teacher, and violin maker among other things.

Musiklexikon Online.


Portal musicpainting compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.


Words that talk

eh! not much, not even a G’Day!

yet they mean what they say.


Neglect but not alone

all enduring time lost 

with one look still full of sound and meaning

read me in the book.


Out of the darkness, light’s desire was to be born.

Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

Refection from the Mediterranean.