Category Archives: music


Jean Bastiste Bréval,C Major (Op. 40, No. 1): C,

The next six musipost will reflect on Jean Bastiste Bréval (6 November 1753 – 18 March 1823) his cello sonata C Major (Op. 40, No. 1): C, F, G, B-flat, A, D.

#Dzollian;# Cellolover; #Dhycomo; #Chommeo; #Zhemma; #Choeley; #Tchalobo; #Schodeol; #Zoefey; #Y; #Xumyno; #Woroyal; #Vommona; #U; #Toanwell; #Saphome; #Redonnce; #Quemenno; #Peomolis; #Offuma; #Soundies; #Nerycoy; #Meiramis; #Loveis; #Keanmew; #Jansmil; #Imamnoy; #Inmanna; #Hidanno; #Giychichi; #Finsimo; #Essielio; # #SonicRain; #Halowspots; #music; #InfusberryPaper; #MusipostSeries.

C major in the music scale. Musipost Series, Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm. 

1st movement C major. Done 23-4-22

2nd movement F major.

3nd movement G major.

4th movement B-flat.

5th movement A major.

6th movement D major.

Peter Grimes.

Peter Grimes          Peter Grimes.


Some of my reflective thoughts regarding a talk, on the ABC Classic FM radio entitled ‘Benjamin Britten – A Personal View’. A talk on the life and work of Benjamin Britten, between the presenter Graham Abbot and Paul Kildea.

This work is but one of a series regarding this talk.


Music 7+7+7+7.

Music 7+7+7+7     Music 7+7+7+7.


One could also say 7+7+7+7 Steps of music.

Don’t forget the duration of the notes/sound/rests. Therefore, duration equals D28 (plus other variables ). This is a musical composition, different logic, different abstractions to other mathematical statements.

The artwork explains some of the starting point (singular) of the structures of a musical composition. Scales, retrogrades and reflections. However, this is but one of a model for creating a musical composition, and that there are an infinitive number of symphonies to be had.