In B minor.
When the reading ended, I – V – iv – IV – pp IV.
#Sugorro; #Nowdoko; #Freuwell; #Zepebto; #Pammorola #Comemeko; #Miwelwest; #Molgurita; #Rorlesey; #Jonofina; #Nanidra; #Derastol; #Discuta; #Fontifono #Cascernda; #Ammayor; #Deammerow; #Ayomarosa; #Berceryo; #Mlubasy; #Poliggon; #Xylonobi; #Quiw; #Rommolia; #Mililsky; #FourGraces; #Cellolovers; #SonicRain; #TotalArt; #InfusberryPaper; #Halowspots; #music; #Cubicmusic; #MusipostSeries; #Musicpainting; #ChordlySeries; #Emilimusi;
Chordly Series, Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.
As the daybreak light marks the day, a renewed hope of a better day ahead.
The echoes of the past linger on cold, beyond the twilight morning call.
Is the universe a random of matter?
Where to from here?
In my Sam’s notation system there are 21 symbols per octave.
Expressing music in painting is only limited to one’s own imagination. I would venture to say that its vista is boundless.
Some of the series have a few music notation bars attached to them.
These series intertwine, in the text music and text.
The weaving structures express the musical rhythms
If you want to see them as cubicmusic that is fine.
Call, and respond (Music).
The first thing I need to know before starting is the key signature, I need to lock it in.
Not all music is classical, rock or jazz, but it’s good if you can compose as many.
I don’t paint what I see, I paint what I think!
The idea of total art was always appealing to me, it gives you the freedom to explore to one’s own ideas with greater delight.
The unbroken sound of you.
Use your art to help you think about the world.
Music painting notation.
Reflections from the Mediterranean.
Sugorro; Nowdoko; Freuwell; Zepebto; Pammorola; Cubicmusic; Four Graces; Total work of art; Musicpainting; Infusberry Paper; Adventure; Chordly Series.