Some of these series have a few bars of music notation assigned to them.
#Rorlesey; #Jonofina; #Nanidra; #Derastol; #Discuta; #Fontifono #Cascernda; #Ammayor; #Deammerow; #Ayomarosa; #Berceryo; #Mlubasy; #Poliggon; #Xylonobi; #Quiw; #Rommolia; #Mililsky; #Newberly; #Emmobell; #FourGraces; #Cellolovers; #Soundies; #SonicRain; #TotalArt; #InfusberryPaper; #Halowspots; #music; #Cubicmusic; #MusipostSeries; #Musicpainting; #ChordlySeries;
Chordly Series, Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.
Expressing music in painting is only limited to one’s own imagination. I would venture to say that its vista is boundless.
Some of the series have a few music notation bars attached to them.
These series intertwine, it is music and text.
The Farm man has a name. (Farman + Far Man).
The origin of the object/idea has rights as without that object/idea a new work would not have been possible and authored by the new creator.
The weaving structures express the musical rhythms.
Use your art to help you think about the world.
Music painting notation.
Reflections from the Mediterranean.
Rorlesey; Jonofina; Nanidra; Derastol; Cubicmusic; Four Graces; Total work of art; Musicpainting; Infusberry Paper; Adventure; Chordly Series.