To write, to read, to Share, to wonder.
Jean-Baptiste Bréval.
6 Duos for 2 Cellos, Op.2
#6 Duo in D major.
a. Allegro
b. Rondeau
All of the paintings have in Sam’s notation, the first letter of the title, and the key signature, e.g., the symbols of D for Dolleabyo and the music notation symbol of D for D major. The D major corresponds in this instance to the Jean-Baptiste Bréval, #6 Duo in D major.
The name Dolleabyo also corresponds to the key signature of the D major. However, both the letters D and N are interchangeable with the D signature. That is to say, D and N, floats between D major, D minor, D sharp and D flat major or minor.
The reason they float is more of a balance between name titles. A more interesting is the ends of the title names. The concept is a balance of the whole work.
In addition, when time permits, I compose a few bars to accompany each piece. However, each piece or element of the artwork is meant to be a separate piece. They are more of travel champions rather than a single entity. In this, the manner they could be interchangeable and link in a number of ways, according to what is being conveyed.
The concept is, that no piece is separate from the rest. All the pieces interlink together but are allowed to integrate with others to create a new piece.
#Nistisho; #Singglies; #Dolleabyo; #Bomottogu; #Neclesni; #Quaneanka; #Emilimusi; #Gedenpyo; #Keylines; #KeyboardPower; #Mrevale; #Omechopee; #Chopee; #Zeddibell; #Qeakefu; #Autekkeo; #Cobeamo; #Ollimmato; #Befecosoa; #Rawnetha; #Cellolovers; #SonicRain; #TotalArt; #InfusberryPaper; #Halowspots; #music; #Cubicmusic; #MusipostSeries; #Musicpainting; #ChordlySeries; #CelloSeries;
Cello Series, Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.