Tag Archives: Sam’s script


On a quite clear sky day ….


In F major.


On a quite clear sky day

clouds lifted and cleared out

leaving no remembrance of them behind.


Sebastian Klotz (1696-1775) was from Mittenwald Germany he was a very influential luthier.  

Compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.F -sharp minor


Straying across the page

sounds of ramblings heard

yet, the word’s truth hangs on.


The dry daybreak left behind

water runs, water flows

west, at the evening songs

the rains and the rivers flow.


Years have done their deed

 by the looks of the old oak trees

 green leaves breathe in the summer heat.


Time and tide

day or night

time and tide

rain or shine.


The steady pace of the clock tick-tock

tick-tock, tick-tock –!

the tick picks up the twilight of the day.


Musical notes are beautiful but their boundaries are supreme.

These musical paintings should be viewed with an eye-sense of music.

Out of the darkness, light’s desire was to be born.

Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

Refection from the Mediterranean. 


Symbols in colour, forms and paint…


In F-sharp minor.


Symbols in colour, forms and paint

a narrative out to work

read and listen while you play.


Eugène Cuniot-Hury (1861-1921) was a Mirecourt prolific archetier and bow maker who produced and copied many styles of bows.

R. Kimtipper & Associates Fine Violins.


Compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.


Straying across the page

sounds of ramblings heard

yet, the word’s truth hangs on.


The dry daybreak left behind

water runs, water flows

west, at the evening songs

the rains and the rivers flow.


Years have done their deed

 by the looks of the old oak trees

 green leaves breathe in the summer heat.


Time and tide

day or night

time and tide

rain or shine.


The steady pace of the clock tick-tock

tick-tock, tick-tock –!

the tick picks up the twilight of the day.


Musical notes are beautiful but their boundaries are supreme.

These musical paintings should be viewed with an eye-sense of music.

Out of the darkness, light’s desire was to be born.

Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

Refection from the Mediterranean. 


The morning sky awash with cool light…


In F minor.


The morning sky awash with cool light

Mid-day sun burns the leaves

Cold and freeze in the starry eve.


Charles Francois Grand (1787-1845) was French and was the foremost dealer of his time, appointed luthier to the Royal Court of France. Ingles & Heyday.

Compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.


The dry daybreak left behind

water runs, water flows

west, at the evening songs

the rains and the rivers flow.


Years have done their deed

 by the looks of the old oak trees

 green leaves breathe in the summer heat.


The golden nights of a thousand moonlights, dreamt away by the sea.


Time and tide

day or night

time and tide

rain or shine.


The auctioneer found the bidder by the eye before the bidder’s call vibrated the eardrums.


The steady pace of the clock tick-tock

tick-tock, tick-tock –!

the tick picks up the twilight of the day.


Musical notes are beautiful but their boundaries are supreme.

These musical paintings should be viewed with an eye-sense of music.

Out of the darkness, light’s desire was to be born.

Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

These series intertwine, in text and music.

Refection from the Mediterranean. 


The dry daybreak left behind …..


In E minor.


The dry daybreak left behind

water runs, water flows

west, at the evening songs

the rains and the rivers flow.


Compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.


Years have done their deed

 by the looks of the old oak trees

 green leaves breathe in the summer heat.


The golden nights of a thousand moonlights, dreamt away by the sea.


Time and tide

day or night

time and tide

rain or shine.


The auctioneer found the bidder by the eye before the bidder’s call vibrated the eardrums.

The steady pace of the clock tick-tock, tick-tock picks up in the twilight of the day.

Aliens in my soup, is it the time or is it that late?

Don’t count the hours, grain of sand, starry, or old late nights.  

Listen, a lower star, wondering further down the road to heaven.

Empty waves on a silver moonlight, rippling on.

Musical notes are beautiful but their boundaries are supreme.

The touch of sensitive fingers, the language of the souls, waves of music with flawless control.

These musical paintings should be viewed with an eye-sense of music.

Out of the darkness, light’s desire was to be born.

Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

These series intertwine, in text and music.

Refection from the Mediterranean. 


The golden nights of a thousand moonlight.


In B minor.

The golden nights of a thousand moonlights, dreamt away by the sea.

Nicolas Lupot (1758-1824) is known as the French Stradivari who shaped along with Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume the French violin making in the 19th century.

Dolce Fine Violins.

Musicpainting Compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.

Time and tide

day or night

time and tide

rain or shine.

The auctioneer found the bidder by the eye before the bidder’s call vibrated the eardrums.

The steady pace of the clock tick-tock, tick-tock picks up in the twilight of the day.

Aliens in my soup, is it the time or is it that late?

Don’t count the hours or the grain of sand, starry or the late old nights.  

Listen, a lower star, wondering further down the road to heaven.

Empty waves on a silver moonlight, rippling on.

Musical notes are beautiful but their boundaries are supreme.

The language of music hovers and whips the souls. The light threads ahead.

The touch of sensitive fingers, the language of the souls, waves of music with flawless control.

These musical paintings should be viewed with an eye-sense of music.

Out of the darkness, light’s desire was to be born.

Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

These series intertwine, in text and music.

Refection from the Mediterranean. 


The auctioneer found the bidder by the eye before the bidder’s call vibrated the eardrums.


In A minor.

The auctioneer found the bidder by the eye before the bidder’s call vibrated the eardrums.

Joseph Henry (1808-1881) was a very important French archetier, his bows are rare and sought after.


Musicpainting Compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.

The steady pace of the clock tick-tock, tick-tock picks up in the twilight of the day.

Aliens in my soup, is it the time or is it that late?

Don’t count the hours or the grain of sand, starry or the late old nights.  

Listen, a lower star, wondering further down the road to heaven.

Empty waves on a silver moonlight, rippling on.

Musical notes are beautiful but their boundaries are supreme.

The language of music hovers and whips the souls. The light threads ahead.

The touch of sensitive fingers, the language of the souls, waves of music with flawless control.

These musical paintings should be viewed with an eye-sense of music.

Out of the darkness, light’s desire was to be born.

Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

These series intertwine, in text and music.

Refection from the Mediterranean. 


The steady pace of the clock; tick-tock, tick-tock, picks up in the twilight of the day.


Note; forgot to press the publishing button too tired and very late but it is on time on the other media channels.      

(??? was meant to be published yesterday 29-10-22 at 23:20 hr)

In A major.

The steady pace of the clock; tick-tock, tick-tock, picks up in the twilight of the day.

François Peccatte (1821-1855) was a French archetier destined for greatness and sadly died very young.

Musicpainting Compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.

Aliens in my soup, is it the time or is it that late?

Don’t count the hours or the grain of sand, starry or the late old nights.  

Listen, a lower star, wondering further down the road to heaven.

Empty waves on a silver moonlight, rippling on.

Musical notes are beautiful but their boundaries are supreme.

The language of music hovers and whips the souls. The light threads ahead.

The touch of sensitive fingers, the language of the souls, waves of music with flawless control.

These musical paintings should be viewed with an eye-sense of music.

Out of the darkness, light’s desire was to be born.

The arts, AI and friendly fire.

Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

These series intertwine, in text and music.

Refection from the Mediterranean. 


Don’t count the hours or the grain of sand, starry or the late nights.


In D major.

Don’t count the hours or the grain of sand, starry or the late old nights.   

William Foster II (Foster Sr., “Old” 1739-1808) was a British luthier who created a violin “Royal George” for the King. Johnson Strings and Instruments.

Musicpainting Compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.

Listen, a lower star, wondering further down the road to heaven.

Empty waves on a silver moonlight, rippling on.

A buzzing flying light, at the dead of night – a flash of light – empty and silent.

Musical notes are beautiful but their boundaries are supreme.

The language of music hovers and whips the souls. The light threads ahead.

The touch of sensitive fingers, the language of the souls, waves of music with flawless control.

These musical paintings should be viewed with an eye-sense of music.

Out of the darkness, light’s desire was to be born.

The arts, AI and friendly fire.

Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

These series intertwine, in text and music.

Refection from the Mediterranean. 


Listen, a lower star, wondering further down the road to heaven.


In G minor.

Listen, a lower star, wondering further down the road to heaven.

John Betts (1752-1823) was a British luthier and importer of Italian instruments of the highest-calibre. Benjamin Hebbert Violins.

Musicpainting Compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.

Empty waves on a silver moonlight, rippling on.

A buzzing flying light, at the dead of night – a flash of light – empty and silent.

Musical notes are beautiful but their boundaries are supreme.

If one turns to the world’s corner where it would lead?

In Australia and Canada, there is such a thing as Musical Instrument Banks, and in other counties?

The language of music hovers and whips the souls. The light threads ahead.

The touch of sensitive fingers, the language of the souls, waves of music with flawless control.

These musical paintings should be viewed with an eye-sense of music.

A nameless bird call awakes me with thoughts of you.

Out of the darkness, light’s desire was to be born.

The arts, AI and friendly fire.

Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

These series intertwine, in text and music.

Refection from the Mediterranean. 


Light is more than a belly of water, it’s terra firma, solid, firm and dependable.


In G major.

Light is more than a belly of water, it’s terra firma, solid, firm and dependable.

These musicpaintings are freshly composed every day.

Musicpainting Compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.

Empty waves on a silver moonlight, rippling on.

A buzzing flying light, at the dead of night – a flash of light – empty and silent.

Musical notes are beautiful but their boundaries are supreme.

In Australia and Canada, there is such a thing as Musical Instrument Banks, and in other counties?

The language of music hovers and whips the souls. The light threads ahead.

The touch of sensitive fingers, the language of the souls, waves of music with flawless control.

These musical paintings should be viewed with an eye-sense of music.

A nameless bird call awakes me with thoughts of you.

Out of the darkness, light’s desire was to be born.

The arts, AI and friendly fire.

Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

These series intertwine, in text and music.

Refection from the Mediterranean.