Tag Archives: Sam’s script


Rippling words…


In A major.


Rippling words

fresh with scent

fanning, those flickering flames.


Johann Ulrich Eberle (1699-1768) was a luthier and a follower of Stainer. He was highly sought after being one of the finest Prague school makers.

Lute Society of America


Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

Refection from the Mediterranean.


7+7 viola d’amore.


In C major.


Daniel Achatius Stadlmann (1680-1744) founder of the Viennese dynasty of luthiers. He had the title of Court Violin and Lute Maker in 1785. Daniel and his son Johann Joseph (1720-1781) produced viola d’amore, they had the benefits of the finest wood of the trade and high standards for the 7+7 viola d’amore.


Vintage Instruments.


Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

Refection from the Mediterranean.


Viola d’amore.


In E major.

A Viola d’amore can be quite a sophisticated wind instrument, by comparison to our believed violin, viola and cello. Take for example Anthony Posch, Vienna ca (1677-147), they seem to be a class of their own.

International Viola d’amore Society e.V.


Portal musicpainting compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.


The sounds of the cicada

on a lazy hot summer’s day

drunk on their instincts

searching for their mate.


ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

Refection from the Mediterranean.


The tone is the king, of the musical instrument.


In D major.


The tone is the king of the musical instrument.

One of the earliest know paintings of a violin was painted by Gaudenzio Ferrari (1480-1546),

We find this in “La Madonna Degli Aranci’ (Madonna of the Orange Trees), 1529-30.

on the wall in the Church of St. Christopher in Vercelli.



Portal musicpainting compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.


The sounds of the cicada

on a lazy hot summer’s day

drunk on their instincts

searching for their mate.


Call my name

for I am name

high or low, fast or slow

I, name, on your lips, say my name.


Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

Refection from the Mediterranean.


Passion for the violin


In F major.

Luigi Tarisio (1790- 1845) was born with a passion for violin making and its artistic value. With an uncanny eye for high quality, he became a trader and a collector of violins.

Tarisio Fine Instruments and Bows


Portal musicpainting compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.


The sounds of the cicada

on a lazy hot summer’s day

drunk on their instincts

searching for their mate.


Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

Refection from the Mediterranean.


The sounds of the cicada…


In G major.


The sounds of the cicada

on a lazy hot summer’s day

drunk on their instincts

searching for their mate.


François Fent (1733-1796) was from Füssen, Germany a highly talented master, who made a great name in Paris.

Violin Docs


Portal musicpainting compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.


Call my name

for I am name

high or low, fast or slow

I, name, on your lips, say my name.


Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

Refection from the Mediterranean.


Call my name …


In A major.


call my name

for I am name

high or low, fast or slow

I, name, on your lips, say my name.


Johann Paul Schorn(1682-1758) from Austria, was a violinist, composer, teacher, and violin maker among other things.

Musiklexikon Online.


Portal musicpainting compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.


Words that talk

eh! not much, not even a G’Day!

yet they mean what they say.


Neglect but not alone

all enduring time lost 

with one look still full of sound and meaning

read me in the book.


Out of the darkness, light’s desire was to be born.

Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

Refection from the Mediterranean.


Words that talk…


In F major.


Words that talk

eh! not much, not even a G’Day!

yet they mean what they say.


Thomas Edlinger (1662 – 1729).  luthier from Augsburg moved to Prague in about 1690. Was a founder of the Prague Violin School.

Masaryk University.


Portal musicpainting compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.


Neglect but not alone

all enduring time lost 

with one look still full of sound and meaning

read me in the book.


Clear thinking flows

with a shade of pink goes

to stop is a no

come and have another go.


Out of the darkness, light’s desire was to be born.

Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

Refection from the Mediterranean.


Clear thinking flows…


In G minor.


Clear thinking flows

with a shade of pink goes

to stop is a no

come and have another go.


Ambroise De Comble (1723-1796) was a Flemish luthier regarded very highly for his violin-making.

Oxford Music Online.


Portal musicpainting compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.


Just enough lines

to speak your mind

to a call from the afar wide line

that brings a silky smile.


Melodic voices with sound and choices

like floating on sea calm waves

rolling up and down the scales

on what translates, the melody floats you away.


Words in season and in view

they came in line and in queue

politely and distinctly fuse

holding you to wonder what’s new?


Out of the darkness, light’s desire was to be born.

Ideologies and losing money don’t mix.

Refection from the Mediterranean.