The orange door to the character.
Pasquale Pericoli (2nd half of the 18th)
Cello Sonata No.4 in F minor.
I. Allegretto ♫
II. Siciliana cantabile ♫♫
III. Allegro ♫♫♫
#Jeremous; #Aoroman; #Toarjene; #Ilomeeta; #Zervolay; #Woraleos; #Geelovenes; #Eymamdo; #Lankorko; #Ienrigari; #Schuwommo; #Vogustchi; #CelloAdventure; #Keylines; #Yuranto; #Kemmenti; #Lommonair; #Telmoow; #Hopemann; #Yeorrek; #Veolossie; #Winkolwee; #Ubolterze; #Sicollobya; #Jyrrollie; #Wripmomya;
Chordly Series 2, Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.
Knotting of the Holy Grail.
The left foot in a footnote.
On a Sunday summer beach of colour and light, playful waves danced about.
The weather has something for everyone.
Long live the click clock Singing to a star that’s close by.
A long and happy day, on a sunny spring tranquil day.
The old record still playing the same old tune.
The cello saved me.
Key and keylines and their meanings.
Some of the series have a few music notations liked to them.
These series intertwine, in text and music.
I don’t paint what I see, I paint what I think!
Reflections from the Mediterranean.
Jeremous; Aoroman; Toarjene; Ilomeeta; Zervolay; Woraleos; Geelovenes; Eymamdo; Lankorko; Ienrigari; KemmentiCubicmusic; Musicpainting; Infusberry Paper; CelloAdventure;