In G major.
The string courted the bow.
The bow courted the hand.
The hand courted the heart.
The heart wooed the soul.
Reflection from the Mediterranean.
In G major.
The string courted the bow.
The bow courted the hand.
The hand courted the heart.
The heart wooed the soul.
Reflection from the Mediterranean.
A floating story sail waits its turn to flaunt its wares about.
Pasquale Pericoli (2nd half of the 18th century)
Cello Sonata No.1 in B-Flat.
I. Allegretto #
II. Cantabile ##
III. Spiritoso
#Lommonair; #Telmoow; #Hopemann; #Yeorrek; #Veolossie; #Winkolwee; #Ubolterze; #Sicollobya; #Jyrrollie; #Wripmomya; #Zommefu; #Qubehyo; #Gamomoya; #Giumicha; #Babpush; #Nistisho; #Singglies; #CelloSonata;
Cello Series, Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.
Be more than your first attempt.
Write something every day, it does not matter if it is old as day.
A bird is a bird but a bird. However, not all birds are magpies.
Life could be hazy, but the weather is perfect.
Life is like a song. What is your tune?
The rain is softly falling, falling, falling on my head.
Words follow the line of thought that they came down.
To write, to read, to Share, to wonder.
An ongoing project it’s a music scale nine-octave scale symbol painting series.
Key and keylines and their meanings.
In the painting series, Sam’s notation system there are 21 symbols per octave.
Expressing music in painting is only limited to one’s own imagination. I would venture to say that its vista is boundless.
Some of the series have a few music notations liked to them.
These series intertwine, in text and music.
If you want to see them as cubicmusic that is fine.
I don’t paint what I see, I paint what I think!
Reflections from the Mediterranean.
Lammonair; Telmoow; Hopemann; Veolossie; Winkolwee; Qubehyo; Gamomoya; Singglies; KeyboardPower; Cubicmusic; Musicpainting; Infusberry Paper; Adventure; Chordly Series.
In B major.
Life could be hazy, but the weather is perfect.
#Veolossie; #Winkolwee; #Ubolterze; #Sicollobya; #Jyrrollie; #Wripmomya; #Zommefu; #Qubehyo; #Gamomoya; #Giumicha; #Babpush; #Nistisho; #Deaseel; #Singglies;
Chordly Series, Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.
Life is like a song. What is your tune?
The rain is softly falling, falling, falling on my head.
Words follow the line of thought that they came down.
To write, to read, to Share, to wonder.
A book of poetry sadly unread floats on my eyelids untranslated alas.
The unknown poet, roving the mid-night city streets.
An ongoing project it’s a music scale nine-octave scale symbol painting series.
Key and keylines and their meanings.
In the painting series, Sam’s notation system there are 21 symbols per octave.
Expressing music in painting is only limited to one’s own imagination. I would venture to say that its vista is boundless.
Some of the series have a few music notations liked to them.
These series intertwine, in text and music.
If you want to see them as cubicmusic that is fine.
I don’t paint what I see, I paint what I think!
Reflections from the Mediterranean.
Veolossie; Winkolwee; Qubehyo; Gamomoya; Giumicha; Singglies; KeyboardPower; Cubicmusic; Musicpainting; Infusberry Paper; Adventure; Chordly Series.
Looking for the mirror in the real world.
Domenico Gabrielli (1610-1698).
In A major.
Cello Sonata No.2
Movements 4.
#Jyrrollie; #Wripmomya; #Zommefu; #Qubehyo; #Gamomoya; #Giumicha; #Babpush; #Nistisho; #Deaseel; #Mystery; #Singglies; #Dolleabyo; #Bomottogu; #Neclesni; #Quaneanka; #Emilimusi; #Gedenpyo; #Keylines; #KeyboardPower; #Mrevale;; #Chopee; #Zeddibell; #Cellolovers; #SonicRain; #TotalArt; #InfusberryPaper; #Halowspots; #music; #Cubicmusic; #MusipostSeries; #Musicpainting; #ChordlySeries; #CelloSeries;
Cello Series, Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.
Expressing music in painting is only limited to one’s own imagination. I would venture to say that its vista is boundless.
Some of the series have a few music notations liked to them.
These series intertwine, in text and music.
I don’t paint what I see, I paint what I think!
Reflections from the Mediterranean.
Jyrrollie; Wripmomya; Zommefu; Qubehyo; Gamomoya; Giumicha; Singglies; Cubicmusic; Four Graces; Total work of art; Musicpainting; Infusberry Paper; Adventure; Chordly Series.
In F minor.
You can only build with what you have got.
#Wripmomya; #Zommefu; #Qubehyo; #Gamomoya; #Giumicha; #Babpush; #Nistisho; #Deaseel; #Mystery; #Singglies; #Dolleabyo; #Bomottogu; #Neclesni; #Quaneanka; #Emilimusi; #Gedenpyo; #Keylines; #KeyboardPower; #Mrevale; #Chopee; #Zeddibell; #Qeakefu; #Cellolovers; #SonicRain; #TotalArt; #InfusberryPaper; #Halowspots; #music; #Cubicmusic; #MusipostSeries; #Musicpainting; #ChordlySeries; #CelloSeries;
Chordly Series, Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.
The rain is softly falling, falling, falling on my head.
Words follow the line of thought that they came down.
To write, to read, to Share, to wonder.
A book of poetry sadly unread floats on my eyelids untranslated alas.
The unknown poet, roving the mid-night city streets.
An ongoing project it’s a music scale nine-octave scale symbol painting series.
Key and keylines and their meanings.
In the painting series, Sam’s notation system there are 21 symbols per octave.
Expressing music in painting is only limited to one’s own imagination. I would venture to say that its vista is boundless.
Some of the series have a few music notations liked to them.
These series intertwine, in text and music.
If you want to see them as cubicmusic that is fine.
I don’t paint what I see, I paint what I think!
Reflections from the Mediterranean.
Wripmomya; Zommefu; Qubehyo; Singglies; KeyboardPower; Keylines; Cubicmusic; Four Graces; Total work of art; Musicpainting; Infusberry Paper; Adventure; Chordly Series.
The circle of peaks.
Now back to Jean-Baptiste Sebastien Bréval (6 November 1753 – 18 March 1823); Op. 28: D,
A, G, B-flat, F.
Op. 28: D, C, A, G, B-flat, F
Interesting A major!
#Rommolia; #Mililsky; #Newberly; #Emmobell; #FourGraces; #Cellolovers; #Rummece; #Ryanyed; #Jeannly; #Leametom; #Fycey; #Dzollian; #Dhycomo; #Chommeo; #Zhemma; #Choeley; #Tchalobo; #Schodeol; #Zoefey; #Y; #Xumyno; #Woroyal; #Vommona; #U; #Toanwell; #Saphome; #Redonnce; #Quemenno; #Peomolis; #Offuma; #Soundies; #Loveis; #Keanmew; #Jansmil; #SonicRain; #Halowspots; #music; #InfusberryPaper; #MusipostSeries; #Musicpainting;
Musipost Series, Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.
The Cello’s Four Graces. The cello’s four open strings. C, G, D and A.
Memories of sounds of music, working through a system.
It was a chance meeting.
Music with a point of view, in E-flat.
Music painting notation.
The first stream of morning mist.
Fire and control.
The smoky moon.
Bees, Flowers and Peace.
The unbroken sound of you.
Use your art to help you think about the world.
Reflections from the Mediterranean.
Rommolia; Mililsky; Newberly; Emmobell; Four Graces; Cello; Rummence; Ryanyed; Jeannly; Musicpainting; Infusberry Paper; Adventure; Musipost Series.
I am still here Sun.
#Soundies; #Meiramis; #Loveis; #Keanmew; #Jansmil; #Imamnoy; #Inmanna; #Hidanno; #Giychichi; #Finsimo; #Essielio; #Dargentle; #Cemfomie; #Blonnasky; #Ammidorra; #Schammoy; #Smile; #Yermanni; #Xoesea; #Wodimm; #Valyiso; #Ujpolle; #Tirriso; #Solephina; #Raphove; #Halowspots; #music; #InfusberryPaper; #CaptainElogartSeries.
Cadmium Red: – symbolises the letter “E” in the Samsam alphabet system, which is E major on the music scale. Captain Elogart Series, Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.
Interlocking soundies = music/sonic forms, a mix of music and sonic sounds.
You can always change your mind.
The scientist smiled.
Soon, there be an introduction to Sam’s version of Morose Code for Alphabet, Music scale and numbers.
One image leads to another.
We are all competing for the same eyeballs.
Example of including, C major, C sharp, D Major, D sharp, NOT including E major.
Sonic Rains.
Scaling the musical scales.
Living on a pale blue spot.
Every single combatant bears a moral responsibility to protect civilians
These music paintings are also meant to be turned into 3Ds.
Popularity can be very fleeting.
Visual Rhythms.
A Day of many hats.
I follow the music scale rainbow.
Love thy enemy.
The art of the Halowspots.
These Captain Elogart Series are called Sonic Sculptural Paintings. They are inspired by three-dimensional forms, of humans and architecture. In general, they are multidimensional viewpoints.
The lighthouse lights are on, go back.
Experts come in different shades.
The power of conversation.
The distance of maturity.
Reflections from the Mediterranean.
Colour is read on several different levels.
The Arts and Ideas take it one step at a time.
Art is a product of the mind.
Some of the Captain Elogart series have Palette Companions series linked with them.
The transparent spaces on the surface of the painting. They are clear (e.g. glass, see-through) see through to the most extent, however, they could be of any hue.
Meiramis; Love’is; Keanmew; Jansmil; Inmanna; Hidanno; Sonic Rains; Giychichi; Finsimo; Essielio; Dargentle; Halowspots; The Dreamers; Infusberry Paper; Adventure; Commuter; Music; Captain Elogart Series; Character;
Scaling the musical scales.
#Giychichi; #Finsimo; #Dargentle; #Essielio; #Cemfomie; #Blonnasky; #Ammidorra; ;#Schammoy; #Smile!; #Yermanni; #Xoesea; #Wodimm; #Valyiso; #Ujpolle; #Tirriso; #Solephina; #Raphove; #Halowspots; #music; #InfusberryPaper; #CaptainElogartSeries.
Lime Green: – symbolises the letter “A” in the Samsam alphabet system, which is A major on the music scale. Captain Elogart Series, Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.
Living on a pale blue spot.
Every single combatant bears a moral responsibility to protect civilians
These music paintings are also meant to be turned into 3Ds.
Popularity can be very fleeting.
Visual Rhythms.
A Day of many hats.
I follow the music scale rainbow.
Love thy enemy.
The art of the Halowspots.
These Captain Elogart Series are called Sonic Sculptural Paintings. They are inspired by three-dimensional forms, of human and architectural. In general, they are multidimensional viewpoints.
The lighthouse lights are on, go back.
Experts come in different shades.
The power of conversation.
The distance of maturity.
Reflections from the Mediterranean.
Colour is read on several different levels.
The Arts and Ideas take it one step at a time.
Art is a product of the mind.
Some of the Captain Elogart series have Palette Companions series linked with them.
The transparent spaces on the surface of the painting. They are clear (e.g. glass, see-through) see through to the most extent, however, they could be of any hue.
Giychichi; Finsimo; Essielio; Dargentle; Yirmenni; Halowspots; The Dreamers; Infusberry Paper; Adventure; Commuter; Captain; Captain Elogart Series; Character;
The truth and the promise.
#Yermanni; #Xoesea; #Wodimm; #Valyiso; #Ujpolle; #Tirriso; #Solephina; #Raphove; #Halowspots; #music; #InfusberryPaper; #CaptainElogartSeries.
Lime Green: – symbolises the letter “A” in the Samsam alphabet system, which is A major on the music scale. Captain Elogart Series, Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.
The art of the Halowspots.
These Captain Elogart Series are called Sonic Sculptural Paintings. They are inspired by three-dimensional forms, of human and architectural. In general, they are multidimensional viewpoints.
The lighthouse lights are on, go back.
Experts come in different shades.
The power of conversation.
The distance of maturity.
Reflections from the Mediterranean.
Colour is read on several different levels.
The Arts and Ideas take it one step at a time.
Art is a product of the mind.
Some of the Captain Elogart series have Palette Companions series linked with them.
The transparent spaces on the surface of the painting. They are clear (e.g. glass, see-through) see through to the most extent, however, they could be of any hue.
Yirmenni; The truth and the Promise; Halowspots; The Dreamers; Infusberry Paper; Adventure; Commuter; Captain; Captain Elogart Series; Character;
Experts come in different shades .
#Ujpolle; #Tirriso; #Solephina; #Raphove; #Qemdinna; #Perrysa; #Norcira; #Meganlo; #Lumosky; #Halowspots; #InfusberryPaper; #CaptainElogartSeries.
Red: – symbolises the letter “E” in the Samsam alphabet system, which is E major on the music scale. Captain Elogart Series, Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.
The art of the Halowspots.
Experts come in different shades.
The power of conversation.
The distance of maturity.
Reflections from the Mediterranean.
Colour is read on several different levels.
The Arts and Ideas take it one step at a time.
Some of the Captain Elogart series have Pallet Companions series linked with them.
The transparent spaces on the surface of the painting. They are clear ( e.g glass) see through to the most extent, however, they could be of any hue.
Ujpolle; Experts come in different shades; Halowspots; The Dreamers; Infusberry Paper; Adventure; Commuter; Captain; Captain Elogart Series; Character; Ideas; Mystery; Personality; Samsam alphabet system; Sam’s Script; Story; Total Work of Art; Travel-trotter;