Tag Archives: Sam’s script


The bow is light and steady…


In D major.


The bow is light and steady

With an arc of midpoint extremes

Drawn across the poising strings

As a sabrage in the need.  


Andrew Alexander Hume (1864-1941) was a British musician and a violin-maker. Travel to Saxony and Bohemia. His reproduction of stellar copies of Stradivarius, Amati, Guarnerius, Guadagnini and Maggini was second to none. On his own pure creation was 1907pure gum varnish and as a theorist of violin-making a series of undersized violins that had more responsive tone than a larger model of the highest calibre. His bows are of octagonal quality.

Stringers London.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


A thousand horizons…


In B-flat major.


A thousand horizons

Clear as a morning-bell

Reads, of music notation

In the key of the day.


J. Emil Züst (1864-1946) worked in Zurich, Switzerland. Züst progressed from a pupil in Munich of Marks to being the Head of the Swiss Violin Makers’ Society, in 1927. Using Guarnerius as the archetype and employing a modular methodology system of violin-making, violas and cellos and bows which still are adopted to this day.

Lot-art. Art Market Analytics


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


The irony of high value…


In C major.


The irony of high value.

Of old-sounding wooden carcass

With rich tone and colourful histories

Locked up in a frozen vitrine.


Franz Albert Nürnberg (1854-1931) was an exceptional German-born bow-maker. He centred his craft creations on the French maker, François Xavier Tourte. As a result, at Nürnberger workshop became acclaimed as one of the leading workshops of the 20th century.

Carriage House Violins.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


The golden varnishes…


In C major.


The golden varnishes.

Underneath the bridge

Inside with the soundpost ‘

Echoed the Beau Idéal.


Nicola Gaglian (1740-1780) was the second son of Alessandro his other son was Gennaro (1740-1780) a family of well-known luthiers. Alessandro has worked with both Stradivarius and Guarnerius del Gesu. Nicolo was a very prolific violin-maker from 1740-1780.


The Violin Shop.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


Hurry! hurry…


In G major.


Hurry! hurry!

The duel of the tune

Between the clarinet the bassoon

Into the fray crashed the euphonium.


François Peccatte (1820-1856) was French and a brother to Dominique, was also a very fine bow-maker who worked in Mirecourt. Careful inspection of the head can distinguish between the brother’s nibble bows.  


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


Like a golden drop rippling…


In F major.


Like a golden drop rippling

In a cool pool of fresh waters

The triangle chimes its time way


François “Prosper” Colas (1842-1918) was a French bow-maker however, he also made violas and cellos. While working for Master bow-makers he traded under his own label.

J.R Music Supply.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


The oboe declares the concert tune…


In E major.


The oboe declares the concert tune

As the orchestra gets onboard too

Sweet swing tune, where to find you?


Caspar Tieffenbrucker (1514-1571) was born in Tiefenbruck in the Füssen an important lute-making region. Around 1550, Caspar settled in Lyon to the house of honours. As Füssen was the centre of lute-making around that period and the art of lute-making is known to have been practised since 1436.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


One hundred notes…


In C major.


One hundred notes

Bound in a moderate lively stream

Played beautifully on a cello of dreams.


Cello of War WW1 was made of whatever material was available even the humble helmet was used. Still surviving is the ‘Trench cello’ played by Lt Harold Triggs at the Frenc trenches and in Ypres, Belgium. The more renowned is ‘le Poilu’ ‘the hairy’ that was played by the French cellist Maurice Marechal still too seen exhibited at the Cite se la Musique Paris.

France Bleu.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.