Tag Archives: Halowspots


The oboe declares the concert tune…


In E major.


The oboe declares the concert tune

As the orchestra gets onboard too

Sweet swing tune, where to find you?


Caspar Tieffenbrucker (1514-1571) was born in Tiefenbruck in the Füssen an important lute-making region. Around 1550, Caspar settled in Lyon to the house of honours. As Füssen was the centre of lute-making around that period and the art of lute-making is known to have been practised since 1436.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


I passed three words…


In C major.


I passed three words.

And floated them out again.

What will the answer be?


Gustav Wunderlich (1872-1937) was a master bowmaker born in Luby/ Schönbach today Czech Republic. The family was a violin and bow makers.

J.R.Judd Violins.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


Waiting for a weather change…


In C Major.


Waiting for a weather change

For sure will come

On the beat of the thunder drum.


John Friedrich (1858-1943) was a violin/viola/cello/bow maker born in Cassel, Germany moved to N.Y. in 1883. Talent violin player and considered a perfectionist.

Bridges & Bows.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


White lilies in a glass jar…


In E major.


White lilies in a glass jar

Held in hand and fingers spar

Still tender, fragile still are.

Louis Joseph Morizot (1874-1957) was a French and highly influential bowmaker.

Brobst Violin Shop.


Portal musicpainting compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.


Pretty as a daisy

Even when it’s a haze

Sweet and fair, lovely to air.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


Slimy smile for the #likes…


In A major.


Slimy smile for the #likes

Beat your back

To make the deadlines

Lip curls, while the algorithm sneers.


Claude Joseph Fonclause “Le Mayeux” (1799-1862) was a prominent French bow maker who was in a melting pot of influences following the Pajeot style. His bows are very highly sought after.   

Wolf-Dieter Fischer


Portal musicpainting compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.


Box! Box! Box!

Ticking, ticking tick-tock, tick-tock.

Go! Go! Go!


Reflections from the Mediterranean.


On a gentle scoreline…


In E major.


On a gentle score line

between the young and perfume,

rose, blossomed to the tune.


Joseph Alfred Lamy(père) (1850-1919) also known as Lamy Père, was a master bow maker of the French tradition.

J. Thibouville-Lamy.


Portal musicpainting compositions. Acrylic Paint on Infusberry Paper, 240 x 333mm.

Finding a pathway

through the trail of a maze

to begin a new trace.


Reflections from the Mediterranean.